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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Okay, you know what Subnetting is but why subnet from the start ?!

Long time I had this question in my head, why do we subnet, yea I am being a smart guy, I am very good at sub-netting but I didn't know why it is so crucial.

Well there are many answers to that question, the most general ones are:

-Reduced network traffic
-Optimized network performance
-Simplified management
-Facilitated spanning of large geographical distances.

Okay, that's cool but still, How does it do these "bla bla written above" =D ??. Okay, While I was searching on-line on my beloved Internet, I have found two of the answers that turned my head lights on =D. Here are they:

"The classic answer talks about a company where they have been given a range, but want to separate departments so they don't interfere with each other.

You would use subnets to achieve this separation. This also allows security separation, where general office people can't get to payroll machines for example.


"Also, to add to what Harry said - broadcasts are an important reason to subnet. Any ethernet network (or other technology) has various technical limits to the size of the network. A significant limit is broadcast traffic. Since broadcast traffic will be seen by every node on the network, and must be processed by every node, then excessive broadcast traffic will choke a network. Since there are many kinds of broadcast traffic (arp, bootp, netbios, multicast, etc) that are needed for the network to function, a large network can produce enough broadcast traffic to degrade performance. One solution is to subnet into smaller networks, connected by routers, which block broadcast traffic. For example, imagine a network of 10000 hosts - there might be 5 thousand broadcasts per second, chewing up transmission slots on the ethernet network and forcing hosts to process large amounts of uneeded traffic.

Modern networks and computers can handle much more broadcast traffic than old 10 Mbps ethernet, but even so it is generally a good practice to limit the size of broadcast domains in networks.


I hope it helps you to ;)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How to Get A MAP API Key for Android

Steps to get your key:

1) you need to get an MD5 finger print

- go to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\bin
- copy the file "debug.keystore" you will find this in C:\Users\User\.android\
- keytool.exe -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:\android\debug.keystore" -storepass
android -keypass android

2) Now you should be getting a finger print like this :

3) Now go to this page:

4) Insert your MD5 finger print and get your key: 0uNikOV3dR5gYi2qwuoNRrfR1OZRmM0uG5Arbvg

Friday, December 10, 2010

Cloud computing and LTE

I have been thinking for a while, what would it be like in 3 or 4 years ahead, and I started noticing that everybody is starting to love the "Cloud", I won't lie, I love it to :D, It is exponentially increasing, some of the ISP's have already started using the cloud, it is a pretty neat concept, for some of you who are not familiar with the cloud: Imagine that you are subscribing to a bank and you are no longer keeping your money under you bed :D, well everybody doesn't now, no body is hiding his money under his bed. Cloud computing simply follows the same concept, If you are worried about the future when your company starts to grow bigger and bigger and so do your network equipments, data centers, IT staff, and the fact that you won't be able to scale anymore or to manage it efficiently, well now you don't have to worry about that anymore, that cloud takes a good care of your "Money" (The bank analogy ). It's is becoming obvious that after about 2 years most of the ISP's and the companies will start using the cloud, now if you think about it, LTE is a fast growing technology as well that is IP based, this means that it will be using the cloud to, now I am starting to think like, OMG :D, it's gonna be amazing, I am already starting to feel it = ), with LTE on board, the telecommunication industry will evolve and the whole world will be connected in a glance = ).

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Adding a view within your ListActivity !!

Well ,

I spent some time trying to find out how to put other views in the same place with a ListActivity and I figured out 2 different ways :-

1st: you can create a new xml file that should contain a listView like this for ex,

android:src="@drawable/home" />

android:drawSelectorOnTop="false" />

and then setContentView("xmlFile");

Here I want to put that image within my ListActivity .

you can either use add a header or a footage view.

most importantly do this before setting any adapters ,

ListView lv = getListView();
LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater();
ViewGroup header = (ViewGroup)inflater.inflate(R.layout.messageinfo, lv, false);
lv.addFooterView(header, null, false);
lv.addHeaderView(header,null,false) ;

I hope this helps : ) .

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Changing the background colour or Image of a ListActivity!!

Well ,
I was stuck for like three hours trying to figure out how to change the background of a ListActivity because I have used an adapter with a layout for each item so when I change the background at the layout, only the item's background is changed, but at the end I figured that it was very easy here is how I did it :-

inside your onCreate() preferably before setting any adapters or putting any views, you insert the following line : getListView().setBackgroundResource("your Image"); that did the trick .

Hope it helps!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

How to Change the Color of an image when Clicked in Android ?

Well ,in advanced mobile applications or normal ones , a developer should communicate with the user using some feed backs so changing the color of an image or label when clicked gives the user the feedback that he has really clicked something, here how it is done :-

In your onClick() method , use the following method :
-setColorFilter("color in hexa" , "mode") , in my case I use

doing this you will change the Colour but if you pressed the back button , you will find it stuck on the colour you changed ,to return things as they were you can either use -setColorFilter(null) or setColorfilter(Color.TRANSPARENT,Mode.SRC_ATOP)

I use setColorFilter(null) and this does the trick for me